The next discovery in our Unlocking EQ process is balancing stakeholders. Transformational change often requires a coalition of stakeholders that are united by a common good or shared purpose. Forming and sustaining an effective coalition requires a courageous leader capable of earning the trust and respect of a diverse group of stakeholders.
Balancing stakeholders is an ongoing, alliance-building process that includes understanding and respecting the aspirations of stakeholders within and outside of your team or organization.
Bob shares insights about forming stakeholder coalitions.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote about achieving the “beloved community.” It is a term that he used to describe his core belief that increasing cooperation among allies and winning the friendship of opponents would make it possible to live and work together productively.
When we effectively balance stakeholder interests, we achieve the following benefits to our projects, teams and organizations:
“If you want to run fast, run by yourself. If you want to run far, run together.”
– African Proverb
Going forward, what are some actions you can take to build better relationships with your key stakeholders?
For further reading, see the following resources:
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