Emma Holland

Emma Holland

Marketing & Project Specialist

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Jane Goodall 
Emma Holland is a Marketing & Project Specialist with 7+ years of marketing strategy, project development, and creative services experience. As a project manager, she can easily visualize a project and plan out the appropriate steps. She especially loves it when a marketing plan comes to life and is gaining traction.  

Emma enjoys coaching others to get clear on their purpose, their audience, their why, and move past their doubts. She is a natural connector, and enjoys building authentic relationships with her peers. She is energized by people-focused initiatives, and opportunities to grow trust and community.  

Emma has led several employee engagement and wellbeing committees, and is often encouraging others to lead with authenticity, especially in the workplace. She is a certified life coach, leading a virtual coaching group for women. She has worked in several industries including global hospitality data and analytics, local non-profits, email marketing, and entertainment. 

A fan of personality tests, Emma is an Enneagram 3w2, her superpower is harmonizing, and she’s an ENFJ.  
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