Application Letter

What is the VALUE of investing in developing coaching skills? 



Scroll down for an email template you can use to help your boss or manager make the decision to invest in your leadership development. 

Option 1: Have a conversation 

Be prepared to speak to your leader or manager or organization to invest in you becoming the best leader you can be. 

  • Ask your manager: "What do you see single biggest thing I could do better at when it comes to leading others?" 
  • If the answer indicates increased employee engagement, increased productivity, improved accountability, and/or developing the skills and talents of your team, then ask: "Are you willing to invest in my ability to lead and develop others?" 
  • If the answer is positive, then present your solution: "I'd like to learn coaching skills which can help me elevate my communication with my team while focusing on drawing out their talent and helping us all work together better.” 
  • Share the download on this page and any relevant information. 


Option 2: Send an email 

SUBJECT LINE: Leadership Development Opportunity 


Hi <Insert Your Manager’s Name Here>, 


I’m excited to share about an opportunity I’d like to take for my professional development that will help impact my team and our effectiveness. <you may want to customize this first sentence based on your unique role and needs> 

Effective leaders manage teams with significantly higher employee engagement, are more innovative, have less turnover, and better identify and develop emerging leaders. When leaders leverage coaching skills, they can start to elevate results in all of these areas. 


I've found a highly effective coach skill training certification program offered by Purpose & Performance Group starting in April. I’ll be learning coaching skills and techniques that I can start to use right away with my team. <you may want to mention specific team goals you have or initiatives you’d like to work on> I believe that it will help me discover valuable new ways to communicate with our team as a better manager and understand how to bring out the best in each person we serve.  Click here to learn more about what the program entails: 


Thanks for considering my request. 

<Insert Your Name Here> 

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